The mission of the NVTC is to provide and facilitate timely and accurate translation services of foreign language material to the elements of the Intelligence Community and other federal government agencies at the national level. The center offers a comprehensive set of language services to the federal government, with source material processed in a wide variety of formats: handwritten, typewritten, and electronically or digitally produced documents; microfilm; audio; video; and web-based content.
Full translation: Complete and accurate rendering of source material into a grammatically and colloquially correct product in the target language; translation can be from a foreign language source into English or from English into a foreign language
Partial translation: Rendering of designated portions of the source material into a product in the target language
Targeted translation: Partial rendering of the original material that pertains to specific items (people, places, things, etc.) designated by requestor
Full transcription: Word-for-word rendering of audio or video material into the original source language
Full translation + full transcription: Word-for-word rendering of audio or video material into the original source language plus complete and accurate rendering of source material into a grammatically and colloquially correct product in the target language
Gist: Brief description (in English or target language) that includes the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How from the contents of the original material
Targeted gist: Brief description (in English or target language) of portion(s) of the original material that pertain to specific items (people, places, things, etc.) designated by the requestor
Summary: Translation that reflects the main points of the entire contents of the material in an abbreviated and concise manner and includes the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How; similar to a synopsis
Targeted summary: Translation that reflects the main points of portion(s) of the original material that pertain to specific items (people, places, things, etc.) designated by the requestor
Quality control review: Review of previously translated material to ensure a technically and linguistically accurate product
Language identification: Identification of the language in a source file in textual, audio or visual form
Cataloguing: Brief scan of material to identify specific data, which is then filled into pre-defined templates