Privacy Policy


Public Law 102-183, the David L. Boren National Security Education Act of 1991, enacted on December 4, 1991, as amended; and in Department of Defense Directive No. 1025.2 / Executive Order 9397.

Principal Purpose:

To monitor the award recipient's progress toward fulfilling the employment component of National Security Education Program (NSEP) service agreements entered into by NSEP undergraduate scholarship and graduate fellowship recipients for 1996 and for all subsequent years.

Routine Uses:

In the case of a recipient in default of the employment component of his or her service agreement, information may be disclosed to consumer reporting agencies to report credit information; and to other governmental agencies or private organizations to facilitate collection of amounts owed to the government. Information is also subject to review through computer matching programs with other agencies to help collect any delinquent debt incurred by NSEP award recipients who fail to complete their service requirements.


Voluntary. However, employers may decline to consider the resumes, or may decline to offer employment to applicants who fail to provide the requested information. In addition, failure to provide the requested information does not constitute a good faith effort to seek employment.

Privacy Impact Assessment:

Section 208 of Public Law 107-347, "E-Government Act of 2002," requires all federal government agencies to conduct a PIA for all new or substantially changed information technology (IT) systems that collect, maintain, or disseminate PII. A PIA allows for the evaluation and mitigation of possible privacy risks throughout the lifecycle of a program or system. The PIA covering the NSEPnet system is available at:

The Federal Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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What is the timeline for completing the NSEP service requirement?

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